How We Can Help
What we do…
Find Subluxations
Using a variety of chiropractic tools and techniques, we are able to locate subluxations in the spine. The biggest of our tools being spinal x-rays and scoping. Using this combination, we are able to locate which vertebrae are misaligned and come up with a plan to regain alignment.
Regain Alignment
There are many techniques that are used in our office to help realign vertebrae. From tools to hands, our biggest goal is to make sure that the vertebrae is back where it should be in order to allow healing in the body.
At every appointment, our goal is for you to leave more informed about chiropractic and how it allows for life to flow through the body.
Give Life
Chiropractic care and staying aligned allows for the brain, body and spinal cord to stay connected, restoring and maintaining health in the body.
Lane Crittenden
Before coming to Lee Chiropractic I endured 20 years of pain and sub par health. Symptoms included severe lower back pain, dangerously low blood pressure, muscle weakness, brain fog, and frigid core body temperature, amongst other things. I was unable to do any form of exercise without pain except walking and I had given up hope for any sort of a normal life. My wife and I went to countless doctors, healers, and even other chiropractors across and even outside the country to get help. After spending a small fortune, none of them made much of a difference in my health. I was diagnosed with numerous conditions all of which I believe were false and not the root of the problem. Some of these included a pituitary infarction, hypothyroidism, Lyme disease, and a possible heart condition.
In 2018 I apprehensively agreed to try a 4th chiropractor after my wife met Annie Lee at our neighborhood pool. After the first visit, within weeks I knew something had changed for the better. My thoughts were clearer and I felt stronger. With less than a year’s care I was engaging in fitness activities that I never thought would be possible, especially at 44 years old. We are very thankful for that “random” pool meeting that changed the course of mine and my family’s life.
Coming Soon
Coming Soon